Wednesday, 6 November 2013


I made up this recipe but copied the cheesy sauce from Good Housekeeping book. The vegetables I used for the filling were all home/allotment grown.

I have been using a lot of sweetcorn lately because we've had an over load at the allotment and even though we have corn on the cob every night  there are still lots left!

Sweetcorn, red onion and courgette.
I decided to do them cupcake size so I could pop them in a lunchbox without having to slice them up.

I just found I haven't got any more photos of my mini quiches so I'll do a bit about my first full size one.      
I used a slightly different filling for this one: red pepper, red onion and courgette.

I fried them all together with a tiny bit of oil.

I blind baked the pastry first so the sauce wouldn't make it soggy.

I took a slice of this to Chelsea Flower show because my school entered a 1940's garden and got 6 tickets!

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